The Two Pointers Podcast
The Two Pointers Podcast
RIP Bill Walton. Plus, New York Knicks Vibe Check & NBA Playoffs With Chris LeBron
In this episode, Trevor Everette opens the show honoring the late, great Bill Walton who passed away May 27th, 2024 at the age of 71 from his battle with cancer. He discusses Walton's life both on and off the court and how he should be remembered. Then, Knicks superfan and podcaster, Chris LeBron returns to the show to give us his thoughts on the Knicks season this year, what they should do in the offseason, and more!
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Music courtesy of: Lakey Inspired https://www.youtube.com/c/LAKEYINSPIRED
TPP Logo courtesy of Matt Stachula
$20 off your first SeatGeek purchase using code: TWOPOINTERS
If you enjoy the show or love basketball, please subscribe and give us a 5-star review! We greatly appreciate it.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TwoPointers
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLxQQIXkmXG8gPvGOqzYShg
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Music courtesy of: Lakey Inspired https://www.youtube.com/c/LAKEYINSPIRED
TPP Logo courtesy of Matt Stachula